I have been with Metro Roberts Realty and Jim Roberts for over 3 years. Being a Broker /Associate for over 20 years I have many choices as to where to bring my business. I chose Metro Roberts because I had heard so many great things about the Broker/Owner Jim Roberts. He was fair, creative, and most of all; “A hands on Broker”. Metro Roberts is more than a real estate office. It’s a family you join. Jim takes you and gives you as little or as much as you want from him and the staff.
I recall my interview with him. I said I didn’t want floor time, or a desk, I wasn’t able to attend meetings, I just wanted someplace to hold my license and let me make money for you. He said whatever you need we are here for you. His generosity surpasses many others in his position. So here is where I am and I am so proud to call Metro Roberts my home.